- 1. We will live out our Mission Statement 'Transforming Lives and Communities' – The Circuit will prioritise resources (staff, finance, buildings) for work which is missional – reaching out to our communities in service and evangelism.
- 2. The Circuit will re-visit 'The Main Thing' process (original Spring 2015) which explored the vitality of each church and see what progress has been made over recent years and how further progress can be encouraged and/or initiated.
- 3. The CLT will explore models of ministry and oversight with an expectation that we will reduce from six to four ordained staff during the near future. We will help churches work together and develop the skills of lay people in leadership so that there is reduced reliance upon our ordained staff for tasks which can be done by lay people. We will support the churches as they adapt to a changed pattern of ministerial oversight.
- 4. The Circuit will seek to identify ways to reduce the pressure upon the Preaching Plan – the number of lay and ordained staff available to lead worship is decreasing: we will encourage members to hear the call to preach and to lead worship; we will consider how we can offer acts of worship which are less dependent upon preachers; we will explore the possibility of having 'worship centres' for clustered worship. We will take action to promote the use of digital technology to stream and receive services between churches and to those unable to leave their homes.
- 5. Develop a Circuit mission focus with primary schools, in particular seeking to expand the use of the 'Open the Book' programme (from Bible Society).
- 6. We will continue to develop our work with those in the Third Age of life, through mission, service and spirituality.
These priorities assume that we have sound financial management and administration.These priorities are to be reviewed and, where necessary, revised annually.